Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer starts...

So today my first born graduates elementary school.  I am so proud of him. It seems like yesterday he needed me for everything...and now he needs me when he has a problem.  :(  He is so excited for middle school though.  He is going to be in band and can't wait to start playing the drums.  For now it is going to be trying to keep these kids busy over summer.  With pool time and friends..and mini vacations.  Hopefully it will be fun.  If I can pull the oldest away from the video games.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I need to get back into this thing....

So, today is Memorial Day and I am thankful for our military and their family's sacrifice.  Being a military wife myself I do have a first hand look at the difficulty that comes with this job.  I also have a brave brother that is in Korea right now. It is a daily task to keep him in my prayers and ask GOD to keep him safe.  his tour is almost up and we will all rest a little easier when he is back stateside with his family.  I do find it kinda funny that this weekend we have seen an over abundance of flags being shown.  Why just today are your proud to be an American?  Next week those same people will have no flag.  Crazy...
Well I am thankful for God, my family, and the freedoms I have because so many risk their lives.  I have a ceramic flag by our door...it will continue to be up all year round.