Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Get into the grove

I really need to start getting into a grove and remember to post something more regularly.  :) 

So the kids are back at school now...it's their second week.  My son has started his middle school journey.  This week he will also have his first dance.  I think I am more excited then he is.  LOL.  Today I asked him if he was going to dance with anyone and he said "mom I was already asked by someone" .  Okay here we go...the chick magnet...silly me I forgot.  He is also working on picking his first band instrument this week.  This is a good experience, they are letting the kids try all the different kinds of instruments.  However, they pick 3 and the band director decides which one.  This I think is a little unfair.  My son has been already taken drum lessons for 2 years and is really excited about band for this reason.  SO I hope when we put the reason down for why he wants to play this instrument he does in fact get his choice.

My daughter is going to virtual school this year.  We thought after talking to her about her school experience and looking into home school that this was the best option.  I like it because it is not really home school.  She has a teacher, she is enrolled and held to all the standers of a public school, and it's free.  I love that part.  All the books are included.  So far it's going good.  We have had bumps in the road..it does take time for her to understand that this is going to be school and not play time. But it is something new for all of us.  The challenge is taking off the parent hat and putting on a teacher hat.

Out preschooler...likes having sister home for the day, but is adjusting to the new routine of not being able to play with her during school time.  She likes to be involved in everything we are doing.  We just need to give her, her own thing to do as well. 


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A new design...

I have to give a shout out to my sister-in-law for this awesome blog design. She did everything for me and it looks so awesome. So if you want her to design your blog to go to http://www.jashleydesign.blogspot.com. She does incredible work.

The kids are enjoying summer vacation so far. I have them in VBS this week and they love it. I have to say we belong to the right church. This is our first year at this church and first VBS. Let me tell you with the decorations and theme and everything they have been doing. It is the best VBS I have ever seen. People from the community come to our church VBS every year. We have over 100 kids there. That is crazy. I am so thankful we found such an awesome church home.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer starts...

So today my first born graduates elementary school.  I am so proud of him. It seems like yesterday he needed me for everything...and now he needs me when he has a problem.  :(  He is so excited for middle school though.  He is going to be in band and can't wait to start playing the drums.  For now it is going to be trying to keep these kids busy over summer.  With pool time and friends..and mini vacations.  Hopefully it will be fun.  If I can pull the oldest away from the video games.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I need to get back into this thing....

So, today is Memorial Day and I am thankful for our military and their family's sacrifice.  Being a military wife myself I do have a first hand look at the difficulty that comes with this job.  I also have a brave brother that is in Korea right now. It is a daily task to keep him in my prayers and ask GOD to keep him safe.  his tour is almost up and we will all rest a little easier when he is back stateside with his family.  I do find it kinda funny that this weekend we have seen an over abundance of flags being shown.  Why just today are your proud to be an American?  Next week those same people will have no flag.  Crazy...
Well I am thankful for God, my family, and the freedoms I have because so many risk their lives.  I have a ceramic flag by our door...it will continue to be up all year round. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12

I just finished frosting cupcakes for my sister’s bachelorette party tonight.  This should be interesting; I have never been in a bar.  I had my first baby at 21 but I was pregnant at 20.  So, this is one experience that should be interesting at 30+.  Don’t get me wrong I have drunk before…you know pretty hard before I was pregnant.  But ever since then a drink here and there….more like maybe once every six months.  Just don’t have the time or need to for it.  Tonight it is time for me to be a woman, not a mom.  Wish me luck.

Friday, March 11, 2011

First Post

So as my first post I thought I would share about me.  I am a mother of 3 children, my husband is medically retired from the Army and somewhere in here is me.  When people ask me who are you, I don't know about most of you but, mother always comes out first and usually something about my husband next.  I think I forget that I am a person first and they did ask who I was not what do people call me.  Wife..mommy.  I titled this blog "hold the sippy cup" because I wanted this to be something for me and about my life as a person and then my adventures with all the different hats I ware.  So follow, comment, tell me if you too find yourself forgetting about the person who you are.  Let's put ourselves first...at least for a few quite moments.